Pete Booty Juice

Biden's briefings are like a SNL skit, and in this one, Pete is the butt (sorry) of the gaffe. Enjoy:


hahaha, nice find!

Tropic thunder booty sweat juice


That is pretty funny no matter what your politics


I always pronounce his name BUTT-gig, in my head. The man's a joke magnet. I mean, he looks like a dork, he comes from Indiana (a very boring state known for having the dumbest people living in it besides CA), he's gay, and he comes from a town called "South Bend!" How much more of a clown can this guy be?!


I'm not from Indiana, but I've stayed there several times. It has some notable highlights. For instance, there's Indiana Sand Dunes on Lake Michigan, which I highly recommend. On the opposite side of the state, there are plenty of awesome places near the Ohio River, like Wyandotte Caves. For those who favor big city attractions, there's Indianapolis in the heart of the state, but also the greater Louisville area, not to mention Chicago just across the northwest border.

Of course, what you say about Butt-gig is true.


I went hiking in the sandstone canyons over there, as well as tubing in one of Indiana's rivers. Neither experience was pleasant, and I wanted to strangle the people in charge of my Oak Club who did not tell me what our trips had entailed to start with. My family used to cross Indiana back and forth by car when traveling between Illinois and Pennsylvania to visit my grandparents. It seems like every summer in the 90s, Indiana was one big construction zone. Much of the state is extremely boring and flat, and feels like Illinois's more pathetic little brother.

Small wonder they based the show "Stranger Things" there. Who would expect to find inter-dimensional monsters and psychic kids in a state like that?

