

Never heard of this girl before but she seems pretty rad.



To be fair, McLaughlin, cool and strong though she is, is a hurdler and sprinter not an artistic gymnast. If she fails while performing due to injury she has very little chance of ending up paraplegic. Fail catastrophically at vault or balance beam and you can very seriously fuck yourself up.


she's also goodlooking so she's someone the USA can get behind and support


Women athletes won't be around soon. They let men, and they will always be men, compete against real women, the cock holders gonna win everytime.


You're right. Dudes being allowed into women's sports is tragic for real women athletes, but ironically most feminists won't speak up. They're too afraid of being cancelled.


Yes, and male spectators certainly aren't going to have any interest in watching ugly ass dudes pretending to be women compete, so there goes a significant percentage of your viewership. And when sponsors see the dwindling viewer numbers they'll be out of the door next.

Not that a lot of women watch women's sports anyway, but all this tranny shit is only going to make that situation worse.


Call me in 20 years and tell my how well your prescient prediction turned out.

You clearly don’t follow international sporting regulations closely, because where’s the fun in
