MovieChat Forums > Christopher Columbus Discussion > Natives couldn't handle 15 guys on a boa...

Natives couldn't handle 15 guys on a boat...?

All this complaining because an entire country couldn't handle a handful of guys on 1 boat?

Lol they got rekt and just need to deal with it and count themselves extremely lucky they weren't completely culled from existence.

If you really don't like it invent a time machine and do something about it because they never did back then.


I would like to know how one civilization on one side of the world can advance so quickly. And another civilization look like they have shown zero progression

When Columbus arrived the natives thought a man on horseback was one being. They never saw a man on horseback?

You have one civilization that can create a boat and navigation to travel the world. Another didn't even invent horse back yet.

If Columbus didn't show up another advanced civilizations would have done the same.

And still in 2022 there are civilizations that cant create these boats Columbus used


Kind of difficult to 'invent horse back' when there are no horses or something equivalent.


Horses were invented by the Europeans, so the natives didn't know what a horse was




Did the Europeans invent horses in a lab?


There were no horses in the Americas until the Spanish introduced them.


We don't know. Evidence suggests the Europeans took 2 different breeds of animals and made them mate and the horse was the result. So yes, its very possible and likely that the horse was a European creation


Natives were less intelligent than the people living in the great old world civilizations.

They had a different sexual selection and/or pseudo eugenic practices. There are major evolutionary differences in the different race's brains and psychology.

Aside from survival pressures, animal husbandry (Pre 10,000BC) was common knowledge in the old world. The old civilizations invented class structures that allowed humans to slowly change within each class, through selective breeding. This resulted in above-average intelligence for the bureaucratic, merchant, and Nobel classes. Most old world inventions come from theses classes of society.

-Natives favoured hereditary leaders fathering most of the children.
-The old world favoured arranged marriages.
-Not sure about Africa.


Interesting. Guess breeding is more important then people think.


This is very racist and disturbing. Please delete


There are fundamental differences between races - though we are all human beings and deserve the same rights, there are a great many countries that wouldn't have any infrastructure at all had western civilization not given it to them.

This is true even today.

The question is, is the world a better place with advanced civilizations or not?


ancient aliens


Why did these ancient aliens only choose to help certain groups?


racism obviously


Well, apparently you didn’t learn even a second graders understanding of Columbus otherwise you’d at least know there were three boats. If you have beyond a second grade education, you might learn about his multiple voyages, the Spanish conquest of the region, or the introduction of Eurasian diseases like small pox.

On a personal note, you’d rather be a slave, have your wife raped and children tortured than be killed? You would consider yourself lucky?


No shit, everyone knows that.

If they managed to be organised enough to care they could prevented return visits.

I would have overpowered them easily.
