MovieChat Forums > Billie Eilish Discussion > How is she so popular and people are str...

How is she so popular and people are streaming her music so much?

I don't get it honestly what is it that people see in her and her music for her to be such a streaming power (she is the biggest streaming female artist of 2020)?


I have no clue. I haven't enjoyed any top 40 artist in more than two decades now.
It seems as though record companies just pump money into marketing and producing a product they can convince children and other susceptible, uncritical listeners into buying.

Or at least convince them into streaming it and watching/listening to the advertisements that play before and after.

If they bombard people with positive press and commercials extolling some performer, then they'll eventually wear some of them down into trying out what they're selling.

From there some of these people will be convinced they like this music, and then they'll recommend it to others and the whole thing snowballs.


wonder the same thing


It is truly baffling.


even videos that are not her have millions of views


She has some good songs.


How is ANY 'artists' today so popular when all they do is IMP previous genres of music. There's a reason the Grammies shunned "The Wicknd" because they already gave their IMP awards to Bruno Mars for "Best Michael Jackson IMpersonator".


The Wicknd album was a joke honestly that Blinding Lights song feels like something you have heard a million times and is as generic 80s sound as it can get. Dua Lipa did the 80s inspiration better with her latest album.


But at least songs like Blinding Lights are easy to listen smooth jazz.

Billie eilish not so much.


Because it’s not about music anymore it’s about the package. They sell the package now and the music comes with it instead of the other way around.

My best example is Lady Gaga. Great voice but they knew she didn’t have the looks that would promote her. So they had to come up with a “thing” to promote her in the beginning so she was the “weird” one. Once we heard her music and accepted her as a singer, they no longer needed the “thing” so she was just a singer.


That's true but Billie eilish isn't exactly "met-art" why is she so famous again?


See I kinda disagree about Lady Gaga. She's weird but hot and she has a good handle of how music works.


She’s regular guy hot but she’s not Hollywood hot


No idea. Maybe because she doesn't slut it up (yet).


Shock horror! People have different tastes. I can't understand the appeal of Ariana Grande. She can sing (in a bland sort of way), but her music is forgettable tosh.

Anyway, Taylor Swift easily outsells Billie and Ariana put together. The only other female artist who sells more albums today is Adele.


"The only other female artist who sells more albums today is Adele."



Lack of better options. New artists are few and far between these days. There's not a glut of talent to choose from.


I think that is a great reason for it. With artists like Rihanna, Adele and Beyonce not releasing albums in a while it leaves things open for the likes of Billie to raise.
