'Valentino' The Movie (1951)

TCM showed subject movie the other week, and it did feature a bit from "The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse" in it (not to provide spoilers) that fans might really enjoy....well non-fans too for that matter

I would recommend 'Valentino', but as even I, with a very, very limited knowledge of Rudolph Valentino know they used a 'touch' of 'poetic license' maybe others wouldn't like it....

My Life http://www.nga.gov/feature/artnation/vernet/index.shtm


In both 'valentino' ('51 and '77, if I'm not mistaken) "a touch" is really a big euphemism...

¸.·´¸.·*´¨) ¸.·*¨)
(¸.·´ (¸.·´waiting for Interstellar, Steven!


I enjoyed the movie "Valentino" for its entertainment value but I would not recommend it for anyone that wants to know about Valentino's life. The writers of the "Valentino story" took too much liberty with the story. I have been reading "Dark Lover, The Life and Death of Rudolph Valentino" by Emily W. Leider. The movie does not do his story justice but the man that played Valentino in the movie did a fine job.


I have been reading "Dark Lover, The Life and Death of Rudolph Valentino" by Emily W. Leider. The movie does not do his story justice but the man that played Valentino in the movie did a fine job.


^^^I've been looking for that book as I've heard praises for it. But I don't think it's available in my country. I wish they would release it as an epub you can purchase so the rest of us can access and read it.


I just saw it and I like it but it really is a fictional account of Valentino's life.

But yes, they did feature some of his films, this included as well as The Sheik and a bit of the others.
