Fun movie

One of the first silents I saw, that really helped me get hooked on cinema in general. I saw it on PBS. It's sort of a Russian Robin Hood story, with Valentino in great form (this is actually probably my favorite Valentino film). The whole movie has a beautiful look to it, no doubt because of director Brown (himself a former cinematographer), cinematographer George Barnes, and designer William Cameron Menzies.

Incidentally, this film was originally titled THE BLACK EAGLE, but the title was changed when it was discovered that Douglas Fairbanks was at work on producing the similarly-titled THE BLACK PIRATE.



Valentino was such a star!!!! Rocco feels that had he lived he would have gone on to be the biggest star in the world!!! How sad it is that he died at such a young age, but at least we have his movies to remember him by!


I knew it was going to be a fun movie when Lt. Dubrovsky gave the Czarina, Catherine II, an orgasmic hand kiss. I wonder how many hearts in the audience fluttered at the same time?

The trippy thing is that I actually know a guy named Marcel Le Blanc, one of Lt. Dubrovsky's aliases.

No two persons ever watch the same movie.


Haha, I loved that scene actually, when he went down on his knee and kissed her hand, she looked like she was about to faint!


...had he lived he would have gone on to be the biggest star in the world!!!

He WAS the biggest star in the world!

And though he died more than 80 years ago, he still remains iconic and a byword.

If we are to be brothers, let us be brothers for life, die together.




yeah a good silent film.

When there's no more room in hell, The dead will walk the earth...


The Black Eagle would be much better.

My October Challenge 2016:


I consider this movie the ideal introduction to Valentino for the uninitiated. It's well-directed and well-paced, plus Valentino's performance is a pitch perfect. The film balances romance, comedy, and action well too.
