MovieChat Forums > The Bat (1926) Discussion > A connection between this and Batman nob...

A connection between this and Batman nobody mentions

This just kills me...I love how everybody talks about this movie inspired Bob Kane to create Batman, he took the villain and made him the hero...but there's something in this movie that I see as another connection between the two that nobody mentions. Recall when the light came into the house with the 'bat' in the middle, which the butler found was just a moth in a car headlight, nobody notices this seems to be a predecessor to the comics' bat signal. Anybody else notice this?


All the similarities can be found there. Yes, Batman is a ripoff.

"I saw it, it's alive, it's huge!"


hah! I like that: "How To Create A Title That Gets Geeks Angry."



Kane was a hack.

But fortunalty Batman has grown beyond his limited vision, and is now an American Icon.

"When the chips are down these

Civilized people will Eat each other"


Kane's Batman was great, today's version, not so much.


I was not aware of this connection. Very interesting. Thanks for taking the time to create the article. The movie stills from "The Bat" are excellent. He's one scary bat... man! Now I want to see "The Bat" and "The Bat Whispers".


Oh they're terrific, THe Bat Whispers is simply hilarious, especially if you get the whole version, and The Bat with Agnes Moorehead is nothing short of absolute brilliance. I really love that movie though, the '59 version has always been my favorite, it was the one I grew up with and it was just so scary and so exciting. And looking back now, I really loved it because Cornelia and Lizzie were two strong, brave characters. In this movie and The Bat Whispers, Lizzie is an out and out chicken but they really toughened her character up for the '59 version, and Cornelia Van Gorder of course is always strong and refuses to be brightened out of her home. And to creat that sort of character in the 1920s when women were not so liberated was really something, but to have two such characters in the 50's was also amazing I think.


Yeah, Batman is what you get when you take Zorro, update him to a modern setting, and give him all of The Bats' *beep* and Sherlock Holmes' skills.

Batman also used to use guns, his old emblem looked more like The Bats, and his old mask had ears more like The Bats.

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