MovieChat Forums > Sunrise: A Song of Two Humans (1927) Discussion > This is certainly not the greatest silen...

This is certainly not the greatest silent movie ever

The greatest silent masterpiece according to some people (and i agree) is :

1) Marcel L'Herbier' l'Argent 1928.

My list starts with this title, then,

2) The Joyless street 1925.

And i prefer Waxworks to Caligari, and add some movies with Brigitte Helm, like

- The Devious Path (1928), then,

- Vampyr (1932)

- The Manxman (1929) (Hitchcock)

- Mother (1925) Feyder

- "Die Liebe der Jeanne Ney (Pabst, 1927)

- The Last Laugh (1924) Murnau, (and never "Sunrise !)

- Of course, Griffith, of course Greed (but i won't watch it twice),

- Tourneur, The Blue Bird (1918)

The Hands of Orlac (1924), Hotel Imperial (1927), The Wildcat (1921), The Patsy (1928), Little Old New-York 1923, and more. It's an error to add the Steamboat (Keaton) in the first 50 silents. Chaplin, no comment, i have seen them all too often. As for Pandora's box, Dr. Mabuse...

Currently i'm watching Les vampires 1915 (Feuillade)

I wouldn't add Queen Kelly in the list, but The Trespasser (yes it's her first talky), or the Danger Girl (1916).

So much for silent. Why the fans get angry when i start to criticize Sunrise, i wonder. By-the-way, when do they kiss ? When do they hug ? Instead of kissing, she runs to the crib and holds the child ! The weird psychology in this movie witch is just unbelievable. Only Jesus Christ resumed from the Dark, usually we can't. Once things are broken, they stay broken, and there is no path from hate to love, in my humble opinion.

So what do they do, they take a photography together, nothing striking the set isn't remarkable, there is really nothing to blow you away.

Continuation :

- The Penalty (1920) (Lon Chaney)

- Way Down East (1920)

- The Docks of New York (1928)

- Battleship Potemkin (1925), which is almost 100 times better than this ! Only rated 8, because people get less upset. No one will seriously think Sunrise is in anyway better than Battleship Potemkine, witch is an absolute masterpiece, this is consensus. You overate this.




There is a Laurel & Hardy observation that gives the best answer to your opinion:

"You can lead a horse to water but a pencils got to have lead."

If you don't respond the SUNRISE that's fine. There's nothing to say that this hast to be your favorite film.
We each have our own reasons for selecting certain films to be on our most cherished list.


Everyone has their opinion...English must not be your first language-judging by your misuse of grammar and spelling.So I'll assume "Sunrise" was too Western for you.

reply"Western"? Europe is considered part of the "West" and believe it or not, they still speak languages other than English.

Not that it's relevant, but I am "western" and I didn't like this movie either. It was boring and simplistic; the producer/director attempted to fatten up the thin as gauze storyline with a lot of irrelevant filler, which was presumably "eye candy" for audiences at the time.

Why attack somebody's English skills and background because they don't feel the same as you? Stick to the point: the OP expressed why he didn't like the film - your response should be to counter his views with yours, not make childish insults about someone's English ability.


Your defense sounds like a temper tantrum...did someone forget to change your diaper?


Not that it's relevant, but I am "western" and I didn't like this movie either. It was boring and simplistic; the producer/director attempted to fatten up the thin as gauze storyline with a lot of irrelevant filler, which was presumably "eye candy" for audiences at the time.

Sounds like you're trying to sound smart by throwing words around.

"got a bum education
double digit inflation"


... so don't waste a minute in argument.

In the midst of his O/C listmaking and racing thoughts he lists "Mother" as by the French director, Jacques Feyder. I don't like false information to be spread: "Mother"(1925) is by the Russian director, Pudovkin.

When logic and proportion have fallen sloppy dead .....


Who said it was? It's subjective anyway.




Even if it isn't the "greatest silent film of all time", it's still a perfect film and one of the best ever crafted. Why isn't that enough for you?


-You won't forget me now?

-No. I've got nobody else to remember.


Don't bother and waste a second over these O/C nut jobs and their lists of greatest this or that.

When logic and proportion have fallen sloppy dead .....


the guy attempted to kil two women in less than 24 hrs

even if i agree thatthe film was well made and the story telling captivating

i can't agree on this being a perfect film. it's supposed to be romantic... i'm jus thoroughly creeped out by the story itself.

couldn't help but think that stories like that one perpetuated the idea that other women are at fault when married men decide to stray.

it's his responsibility, and his violent behavior is shocking for a romantic redemption story. (he sleeps around and when a man hits on his wife, in a creepy way sure. still, he gets a knife out and uses it, later he tries to strangle the temptress.

that this movie is hyped a. got several oscars says a lot about the time and culture it was made in. that no one seems to care about the story and deems this a perfect movie and not a cautionary tale says a lot about our times and culture.


This kind of idiotic, even crazed post (Notice no Capitals, no sense of punctuation) softens the blow of IMDB closing its messageboards.

"The world's gone mad today,
And good's bad today,
And black's white today,
and day's night today, ...."


I agree with your premise, but when making your list of the greatest silent movies, how did you miss Metropolis, The Passion of Joan of Arc, The General, Modern Times, and City Lights?
