Funny review



"Mrs. Clive hops on a train... in the middle of the woods... didn't make sense to me either."

That part got me laughing out loud...and I was falling off my chair by the end of it (seriously)! Thanks for the link - I love the movie, but I also LOVE this tougne-in-cheek review!



One thing that a lot of people don't seem to realize is that there were plenty of trolleys/trams running through the countryside at this time - I knew someone whose father took a series of trolleys from Brooklyn to the Berkshires in Massachusetts.

I only mention this because I'm always reading comments that having a trolley/tram/streetcar - whatever you want to call it - running thorough the woods is complete fantasy. It wasn't!


This link seems to no longer work. Is there another way to access the article? Does anyone have it on PDF?
