MovieChat Forums > Sunrise: A Song of Two Humans (1927) Discussion > <p>Is Sunrise: A Song of Two Humans (192...

<p>Is Sunrise: A Song of Two Humans (1927) ok for children?

If you're on this board, you have probably watched Sunrise: A Song of Two Humans (1927). We are missing a parental guide for this film. Parental guides are written by fans (not necessarily parents) using our wiki based technology. It is fun, fast, collaborative, and they update instantly. You don't even need an IMDb account - your Facebook account will allow you to add a parental guide.Our parental guides are a valuable feature and highly used feature, and we'd love to have one for this title. Here's an example (many are much smaller, some information is better than none!): Scary Movie 3If you need help, we've written this guide.Start adding to the parental guide now!This is an official IMDb staff account. We're conducting an experiment to see if our avid boards users are interested in increasing their contributions to IMDb. Nearly 100% of the data on IMDb is user-contributed.


I believe this to have two huge flaws:
1. user submitted data is very biassed. what one would think totaly ok for children another could think it is not.
2. It depends a lot on the maturity of children. it is a fact that there are 8 year olds that would understand movies better than some 18 year olds, so following a guide would not be an option for them.
And this is why i believe every parent should decide for himself and not blindly follow some guide. its enough that our rating system is already way off to what it should be.

"Common sense is not so common."
- Voltaire


I disagree. The parent guides are set up for describing, in detail, what kind of content the movie has; and then it is up to the parents to read these details and decide for themselves whether the movie is appropriate for their own children.

My complaint about the parent guides is the same complaint I have about all the wiki sections. They are badly written and easily vandalized, and the staff provides no support to editors who are in conflict with troublemakers. There's no reason for anyone to waste his time editing wiki on this site.



Kids adore silent drama


To the original OP, this movie is incredible 'ok' for children and you should not worry outside the fact:

1) The movie is silent.
2) It is b/w
3) The b/w cimenatophry is so historically great that it is one of the few movies that needs to be silent.

Otherwise, for children, this movie would have passed censorship of prime time TV 50 years ago without a complaint.



This masterpiece would be wasted on children.


Many young female children may be shocked into a protracted pre adolescence by the savage fertility dance performed by Maggie Livingston. Both sexes should never be exposed to the wild "Drunken Pig" sequence. It makes alcoholic consumption too attractive. The little ones will clamor for liquor, claiming, "Mommy, if a piglet can get drunk, why can't Ii?"

"It's a lot like playing the violin,
You cannot start off and be Yehudi Menuhin."
