MovieChat Forums > Sunrise: A Song of Two Humans (1927) Discussion > remind anyone of metropolis/babylon?

remind anyone of metropolis/babylon?

we watched this today in lecture, and near the start, when the city girl played by margaret livingston met with the husband in the pasture and was all over him, her demonstrating dancing really reminded me of the dance that the robot maria did in metropolis. Also, the images of the city really reminded me of metropolis, and it seems like murnau was trying to get across an allusion about the city being like babylon and the city woman being like the whore of babylon? did anyone else see this at all? just a little something I thought about

Let's go inconspicuously...through the window.



The films were being filmed virtually simultaneously on seperate continents. There is no way that Murnau could have been making references To Lang's METROPOLIS.

"This bar of likker is now a bar of justice!"


ah, well yes the idea that it could be a reference to metropolis is foiled then. although I still think that its quite possible for these things to be references to babylon in general and the whore of babylon - but having said that it seems like a coincidence that both films did this intentionally with no connection to one and other.

Let's go inconspicuously...through the window.
