Do you not understand art???

Before you post smug opinions about a film -- have you ever made one? I have. I'm listed here on IMDB. Mine have won accolades and awards around the world. I know what is involved in making a movie. Do you armchair critics have any clue? I KNOW that you don't.

The majority of the critical posts rag on the fact that the story isn't "realistic".

Have you ever seen art by Miro? Picasso? Dali? It isn't realistic. It's ART.

Realistic? Shall we talk about Star Wars? Modern Times? Inglourious Bastards?

This is one of the most beautiful films ever made. It's ART. If it isn't "realistic" by your standards, you have a very narrow field of view.


I loved your response. Sunrise is so great that people need to watch it, and those who complain about it need to open their eyes and mind to the film's beauty and truth. As you state, making movies is a very tough job, and when a movie such as "Sunrise" emerges, it's truly something of a miracle, but also the product of blood, sweat and tears. Nice to know there are people on this message board who love movies and know how great some movies are.


My feelings about Sunrise is similar to yours: it is probably my favorite movie of all time.

But I had a difficult time with your comments. You are apparently responding to other posted comments. Those that you did not agree with are referred to as "smug." You then go on to say that your films have won accolades & awards. From who? If from people outside of the film industry, these are the very people that (according to you) don't know enough about movies or movie making to be entitled to an opinion.

If the swards have come from others in the industry, they might be a good judge of technique but they have no advantage over us "armchair critics" in judging the overall impressions of a movie.

In regard to "realism", my feeling is that deviating from "reality" can be used to advantage. It can also be inappropriate. I personally didn't like "Crouching Tiger" for that reason--but I get it that others adored it for the same reason.

In Sunrise, the Man was sickened at the thought of drowning his wife and at the same time was being driven crazy at the thought of the Woman From The City. Those thoughts were very clear to the audience. Maybe the movie could have been made with something else instead of the boat scene--but maybe not. I like it the way it is.



He is listed here on IMDb and his films have won accolades and awards around the world.

And no, we shall not talk about Star Wars, Modern Times or Inglourious Basterds; we shall not talk about them at all. We shall leave them out of it.

"facts are stupid things" - Ronald Reagan




So, if we agree with you about "Sunrise", are we armchair critics then "credible"? You yourself are right in that boat, too, if you're bothering to post at all on IMDB.

Please nest your IMDB page, so you respond to the correct person.
