MovieChat Forums > Sunrise: A Song of Two Humans (1927) Discussion > Where do you think the story is set?

Where do you think the story is set?

........I remember watching a documentary on silent films that discribed the urban sets for "Sunrise" were built to look like every place and no place. A number of posters have asked if cities in Europe really looked like that in the past. When I watched it the setting reminded me of old photos or film footage of mid western or north eastern American industrial cities. It could be what the city I live in looked like in the twenties when the copper mines were opened, it had four times its current population and there were, and still are, areas of opened water surrounded by reeds. In short the architecture, cars, and clouthing seems to be American.......While the setting seems American the, which as noted is based on a German novel, seems European. It sort of reminds me of and Ingamar Bergman movie......This is one of those subjective movies. Do you think is an American movie with a European setting or a European story with a American setting?

I'm not Spartacus. The dude over there in the sandals who looks like Kirk Douglas is.


Although filmed at Lake Arrowhead California, the setting for the story is in Lithuania. The main characters' names Ansas and Ildre are Lithuanian.


The restaurant is openly serving wine, so it wouldn't likely be prohibition-era America.


Thanks, didn't know that! Just saw the film, and being of Lithuanian descent, that's so cool. :)


The farm and village look European and the city is very American.
To me anyway.
