Sparse availability....

You can buy Sunrise on Amazon or Ebay, or from Masters Of Cinema. You could buy it in stores in Quebec (so I've heard). Apparently, Sunrise sits on shelves of stores in Germany too (again, so I've heard). But why such limited availability here in the US? Sunrise is public domain, yet it is not on As far as the Best Picture Collection is concerned, Sunrise is the only one which is not available from Fox stand alone. As far as being able to rent it, no dice. Unless you have a membership with Blockbuster Online. In which case, you can only get it by putting the Best Picture Collection in your queue. Netflix can find it in a search, but they do not carry it in any way. And forget about finding it in your local video store. Unless you're lucky. Same goes for libraries.

I guess what I'm getting at here, is I don't understand why Sunrise was never made available more widely from Fox. It's almost as if Fox gives you the opportunity to buy it, but ONLY if you buy it with those three other movies which happen to be for sale on their own. Or you USED to be able to obtain it for free, but ONLY if you bought X number of other movies first. Is it because Fox realizes the beauty of Sunrise, that they some how want to keep it less ordinary, by making it more difficult to get than other movies? I hope so. I sure hate to think that Fox is doing this just to do it. If I'm wrong, and it's not up to Fox, then who is it up to?

I still am grateful for it's availability. The problem is, for people who are unable to rent it, and don't have TCM, Sunrise is still hard to get.

Your thoughts?


I agree with all you say about the disgraceful fact that one cannot simply go into a store or online and buy Sunrise in R1.

However I do need to correct one thing - Sunrise is NOT Public Domain. It is under copyright to 20th Century Fox. What could possibly happen is that when the new Murnau/Borzage set comes out as it is supposed to this December you MAY be able to buy the films in that set separately. It's possible!


So Fox refuses to release Sunrise from it's clutches. Makes sense.

I hope if nothing else, this set will be available for rent on Netflix as well as Blockbuster on line. As it is, the only way to rent Sunrise is by renting the Best Picture Collection ONLY on Blockbuster. Otherwise, good luck.

Thanks for the info!


Are you sure that a Murnau/Borzage set will be released? I read news of the upcoming release of 7th Heaven but no more than that...


Well - such is the apparently well-founded rumor anyway. The kind of folks spreading this rumor usually have contacts they check with so they don't end up with too much egg on their faces!

From DVD Savant

Sometime around Christmas, Fox Home Video will be giving us a special F.W. Murnau / Frank Borzage box, on a 3 to 8 split. Murnau's titles are Sunrise, Four Devils and City Girl while Borzage's brood includes Lazybones, Seventh Heaven, Street Angel, The River (fragments), Lucky Star, They Had to See Paris, Song O' My Heart and Liliom. That's quite a list and I fear the box is going to be as expensive as last year's John Ford collectables. (Thanks to Scott Stirneman)


There are dozens of copies on ebay at all times at very reasonable prices and in various countries. VERY PLENTIFUL and not rare at all. If you can't wait for Fox to release just go to!!!


I have my copy from Amazon. I noticed the other day that the amount of NEW copies is becoming less and less. Could have just been that particular day.

I guess I just thing it's kind of strange that it's not available in stores like most of the other Fox Classics series. Or whatever they were called. I forget.


You can record it today - it's being broadcast this morning at 11:00 AM (EST) on Turner Classic Movies.

Moreover, this is the 3rd or 4th time TCM has broadcast it this year.

"Progress may have been all right once, but it has gone on too long."


It will also be available on TCM on November 20th. Check your tv guide for the time in your area.


That's my birthday. What a great present!
