
Lambchop are going on a tour where they will play their music to this movie.

Do you think this will be any good?


I have just come home after viewing this remarkable movie accompanied by Lambchop. I am so pleased that I lack words to discribe it. I sat smiling out of joy during almost the entire picture. Having listened to Lambchop's two latest albums some time before, I feel like it now finally founds it right place. An amazing experience.
If you still have a chanse to see this, you will most certanly not regret doing so.
I whish someone would release this movie on DVD with Lambchop's music as a second soundtrack.


Hi there,
i was in their show on 11-12-2004 in Heidelberg, Germany and asked them if they plan to make a dvd out of it, and they said that they will but it's not sure yet when...
i enjoyed it a lot - no i loved it, best concert i ever saw and now i'm waiting for them to release the dvd


Just saw it in Bergen, Norway. A Fantastic experience!!! Lambchop's music was brilliant and it suited the film above all expectations.
I had never seen the movie before and i'm ordering it now on dvd. But what about the lambchop score?????
I asked the guitarist William Taylor about a possible dvd release. He said they are working on it, but nothings for sure because of the rights.(They have to deal with 20th Century Fox, and thay might be difficult......!)
So just keep you're fingers crossed............and pray to God two times a day!!!!!!!!!!!


I just saw the show in Potsdam, Germany. Greatest movie and music experience EVER! I really wish they'd release this on DVD with the Lambchop score. I doubt it, though. William Taylor is sure right in anticipating trouble with the rights. Anyone who's ever had the pleasure of ordering a print from Fox for a public screening will know what I mean...
Highlight of this evening: The audience was screamin' for an encore, and after four minutes or so Kurt Wagner returned to the stage alone - to pick up his cigarettes he'd forgotten on an amplifier!


Saw it last night at the Barbican in London. Thought it was an absolutely brilliant combination of sound and image. The instrumentals, mostly previously having appeared on their recent double album, were uniformly excellent and I was surprised by how much I liked the film. A beautiful evocation of twisted passion, redemption, love and near-tragedy.


Perfectly described! It was awesome.



I know this topic is almost already dead, but i'm pleased to tell you that there exists a Region 2 (Carlotta) DVD with the soundtrack by Lambchop, and including a cd with this OST. Pure joy.
