BFI book

I bought this book without reading it. I don't completely regret it, but I have to admit the book wasn't what I was expecting. I was looking forward to reading little known details about the movie. Such as why Murnau picked the name Sunrise. What made him decide to use the story 'The Excursion To Tilsit' as his inspiration. How and why he chose the cast. How was it for the actors to work with him and stay in character.

The book does mention a few facts but that's it. It's mainly a book that analyzes camera angles, lighting, cinematography. It points out how certain scenes were filmed and compares different elements of the film itself. One thing it compares is the character of the wife and the character of the city woman. Breaking down what each one stood for.

I haven't finished reading the book. It's possible I may find some answers in it still. It's not a bad book. I would definitely recommend it to anyone who really loves the film. Just don't expect it to answering every question you've ever had about the movie.
