Missed first 20 minutes

I only caught up to the wedding scene where O'brien is sobbing in her lap. Can anyone provide spoilers for what i missed?? I feel like I missed alot of the movie because I simply do not get all the hype...

Please enlighten me...



Go to You Tube and search on Sunrise and you can see all 9 10 minute clips. That should let you catch up!


Great tip Thank You. I was able to watch the entire movie over again. Although I had to fast forward through a bit of the city scenes having just watched it. I found the pig scene silly and unbearable.
I gained a better appreciation of the movie as a whole however and the beginning was great. There are some really good scenes and the morality tale made much more sense. Picking it up at the wedding scene made absolutely none whatsoever.
Some had mentioned they found the characters totally unbelievable but I did not really find that the case.
As for the Utube heads up again a big thank you as I am finding all kinds of great movies on there that are no where else. Cheers!
