is frankenstein a real

last name? or made up?


All words are made up.


If it ever was a real family name, I betcha they've all legally changed their names by now.

They've had 200 years, the job should be done by now!


I have seen the name in phone books. Yes, I know phone books have not been a thing for decades but nonetheless. Either they were oblivious to the fictional reference or have an incredible sense of humor. Sometimes people do not care one way or another. Roger Mudd the newscaster who was on CBS during the 1970's and 1980's is a relative of the infamous Dr Mudd who aided John Wilkes Booth who was on the run from killing Abraham Lincoln. Does not brag about it and does not run from it either. Anyways, the word Frankenstein has a translation in both German and French. Fiction is so broad now that there is always a chance that the ordinary crosses over into the infamous. I know of a Gary Mitchell which is the name of Captain Kirk's friend turned adversary from Star Trek.


There are worse last names. Back in the 90s I went to church with a man whose last name was Butts. He probably had a rough childhood.


Yes, there are real-life Frankensteins, and Hitlers. There was a "Seinfeld" episode where Elaine's boyfriend had the same name as an infamous serial killer of that time, Joel Rifkin. That sort of coincidence must suck. I'd consider legally changing my name.
