Imhotep's flashback

That is the part that really scared me. Especially when I was a kid. The look on Imhotep's face as he's being wrapped is what gets to me the most. Also, as a black man, needless to say, it gets under my skin when the Nubian slaves are killed.

"There will be blood. Oh, yes, there WILL be blood."-Jigsaw; "Saw II"


First time I saw the original Karloff verion(back in 1983), I thought he did far more screaming(begging for his life) as his embalming neared completion.


I loved the whole flashback scene, it was masterfully done. Being buried alive would be terrifying. It's no wonder the guy was so merciless after going through that.


Good movie - always have to stop & watch. That entire scene is spell-binding. From Imhotep's theft of the scroll, his sentencing & then OMG the wraping & struggle to the sarcophagus desecration & then the burial YEEKS! Was lucky enough to visit Egypt about 10 yrs ago, incredible, fascinating world.


Yes, that scene is most definitely the highlight of the entire film.


As a white man, it got under my skin that a white person was buried alive
