Her Non British Accent

For me this was one of Shirley's best films, the only thing that i have wondered about for years is why was it made as a British film when Shirley does not do a British accent, since she was to be the star of the film and could not do a British accent why not make the film American, it always sounded kind of strange with her being an American daughter of a British Officer, i know these details were not a priority in those days, anyone else have a thought about this?

"We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give."
- Norman MacFinan


I've thought about this too, and came to the conclusion that in the thirties the film studios weren't as careful about making sure all the details were right as they are now. Back then, the story seems to have been more important than correct accents.


You are probably right about that.

"We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give."
- Norman MacFinan



the story was more important than an accent? i agree with you in this case but considering that they deviated from the actual story, it makes little sense. if they were focusing on the story that much they would have bothered to make it like in the book

OCOE - obsessive compulsive olive eater


I think ladyillana was referring to the story of the movie being important, not sticking to the story of the book.

"Just because you understand the mechanics of how something works doesn't make it any less of a miracle"


ok but doesn't it make sense that the story of the book is important to the film? otherwise why bother making a film off a book in the first place?


let's not go to camelot, it is a silly place


I think she tries to put on a British accent when she's singing "Old Kent Road" but not for her normal lines.

This is the type of arrant pedantry up with which I will not put.



Why should they make it American? Why not just get some British child actress? I actually couldn't watch any further than the first few lines, it was so horrible the way Sara had an American accent. This being based on one of my favourite books, what they did to Sara was sacriligous to me. She was never chubby! Her hair should not be curly! And as for the accent...

LMC xxx

Just hand over the chocolate and no one will get hurt.


From your point of view (British) i can see what you mean, guess 2 versions of the film could have been made, one British and one American, it's been done before, we copy yours and you copy ours, why not, would have been better than to have her as an American in the U.K. with a British Dad and no explanation as to why anywhere in the film.

"You using the whole fist Doc?" - Fletch


Or just the British one. Seeing as how it's based on a British book, by a British author, set in Britain, with Colonial British and regular British characters.

Setting it in America makes even less sense than having an American Sara.

LMC xxx

Just hand over the chocolate and no one will get hurt.


Of course there is a version of "A Little Princess" that is set in New York instead of Londan, and during World War 1 instead of before it. And I do love the book this movie is ... uh... "based" on. I like the movies too, but do wish they were at lest a little more like the books. But this is a Shirley Temple movie through and through so that is why there is an "American Sara"


I never read the book so I don't know for sure but perhaps little Sara's deceased mother was an American. Having one American and one British parent living in India does not necessarily predetermine what type of accent the child might have. In my opinion, if her mother was an American, it is totally plausible for her to have an American accent as much as it would for her to have had a British accent. Either works for me.

Be Kind to Animals


In the book her mother is French...makes it even more complicated! :D


Actually, living in India for as long as she did, it would also be totatlly plausible for her to have picked up a bit of an Indian English accent.


She was chubby, becuase she is a little kid. I
don't think you'd want to tell a little kid that she
has to lose weight for a 2 hour film. And don't tell
me you ACUTALLY care about what her hair looks like.

Why are you whining?Which would you have? A bad British accent, or a natural American one? As for the child-actress, I hope you know there aren't many
British in the states.


Well, the book makes a point of saying in the first chapter that she has straight, thick, black hair (not curly blonde hair), and green eyes, and is thin. It does this to contrast Sara's serious appearance from the stereotypically "cute" look of the time--Sara dispassionately believes herself to be ugly, although the book says "she was mistaken, however..." Shirley Temple is adorable indeed (and not "chubby" IMO, she just has a little puppy fat like most children), but does not look at all like Sara in the book!

For those who love the book (as I do!), you have to let it go in order to enjoy this movie. I'm not crazy about the plot changes, but on its own terms, Temple's LP is very enjoyable, and she does a terrific job. She has a great supporting cast as well--Mary Nash and Marcia Mae Jones are quite good.


I loved Marcia Mae Jones!


I was young when I watched this movie.
I didn't focus on accents. It wasn't that important to me.
Shirley Temple was a great little actress. I bought the DVD some years ago. I'm actually watching it now.


Although I loved Shirley, Sybil Jason (Becky) should have been cast as Sarah, she did accents quite well. In fact she was taught the cockney accent she used in LP by actress Wendy Hiller. She was by birth a South African...and one exceptional child actress. However, this film is still a gem.

"Bless your little pea-pickin' hearts."--Tennesse Ernie Ford


Doesn't matter to me. ST was a lovvely child actress and I truly enjoy all her movies.


I agree with you.
Have to admit, I just watched it and by the end, Shirley had worked her magic and I had a couple of tears in my eyes.
Shirley Temple smiles and all is right with the World!



Didn't she say she grew up in India? Wouldn't she have had an Indian accent?
