Did Hitler see this film?

Does anyone know?


According to the trivia section Hitler had a copy smuggled in through Greece and watched it at least twice, it's not known what he thought or said of it though.


I've read many times, everywhere, that he did see this film. I believe he liked it too, after all he stole the toothbrush moustache from Chaplin because he thought it will gain him public loveability



Actually his moustache was the way it was because he cut it down to fit in his gas mask.


If he did he probably wanted to kill Chaplin after watching it. lol..

I caught this movie the other day. I was not real impressed with it to be honest. I understand the historical significance of it, definitely a product of its time but the jokes are pretty lame. The best part of the film was Hynkel's first speech. Damn, I was rolling on the floor, very very funny. But the rest of the film was just not very funny.

I really like Nazi satire and this missed the mark in my view but it had a few good parts. Again, that first speech was the best "Hitler" satirical impression ever. So damn funny. However, I think the problem with this movie is that it didn't have enough satire and was too focused on the barber. It needed more Nazi gags and laughs.

I recently saw another Nazi satire film called JoJo Rabbit and I liked it a lot more than this. I also liked Baron Cohen's - The Dictator more than this too.

At any rate, I'll give this movie a 5.0 out of 10. Without that first speech it would be a little lower than this.
