Is this movie not available on DVD? I've had a VHS copy for years, but it is wearing out....can barely see the people's faces as it is fading, etc. I love this movie and always have to watch it numerous times around Christmas. The only thing I saw at Amazon was this movie included on compilation DVDs with other movies.


They make them in other countries. Here's the cheapest on eBay from Hong Kong: DVD-New-/140884990836?pt=US_DVD_HD_DVD_Blu_ray&hash=item20cd665b74 if you haven't found what you're looking for yet.

They thought they was gonna beat an education into me, but I foxed 'em.


Here it is 2016 and still not on DVD. Why?? Has anyone bought one of the compilation DVDs and if so, is it good/complete? My VCR is giving up the ghost. I don't understand who has the copyright....Amazon has it available to watch online. Dealers are selling it on Amazon for over $100.00. The rest is mostly compilation DVDs. I think it said it's 75 years old! :(


Fortunately I bought it in '02 for $14.39. Go with the compilation I guess.
