Not in the Top 250?

This film is NOT in the Top 250 because it doesn't have the required 25,000 ratings, even though its 8.1 rating would put it above a quarter of the list. This is barbaric. The fact that it took Netflix a year to send me the DVD goes a long way toward explaining why it doesn't have enough ratings. If you're not over 50, you probably haven't seen it, and you have to buy it if you want to. It's disgraceful that IMDb ratings are so slanted toward blockbuster CGI films of the last decade or two. The minimum number of ratings should be proportionally lower for older films to compensate for unavailability.


It was a shame when IMDb implemented the policy that films now require 25,000 votes to be eligible for the Top 250. This decision purged so many deserving classic films from the list. The Top 250 is so bad these days that it hurts to look at.

I used to think I knew everything about the world. Now I just know that it's round.


IMDb's decision in that regard perfectly mirrors the internet (and media) of the last few years; it reinforces preexisting intellectual content (and prejudices) rather than expanding horizons. Everything is now geared to serving (or selling) you things that are exactly like things that you've already viewed or bought. The internet has become almost entirely a sales platform rather than a tool for exploration.
