I watched this movie tonight and noticed a terrific coincidence. When Mr. Matuschek (who just returned from a stay in the hospital after a suicide attempt) comes back to the shop on Christmas Eve, there's a shot of the cash register reading 51.50, followed by a close-up of Matuschek's face.

Today in California, the 5150 code allows for a person deemed to be an immediate threat to themselves to be involuntarily confined to a mental health facility or hospital.




The 51.50 doesn't refer to a "code" but rather to a section 51.50 of one of the divisions of the California revised statutes. Now I'll have to rewatch the film to catch the reference.


Correction: it's section 5150 (not 51.50) of the Cal. Welfare and Institutions Code. I suppose the film couldn't say 5,150 Pengo, too large a purchase for that kind of shop (assuming it's really a reference to the Code section.


I think you're looking too far into this.
