A bit cruel

Great film, I love Jimmy Stewart but I thought towards the end he was toying with her feelings saying thing such as that the guy (who she thought had visited) was good looking for his type. Then saying he had a belly and had no job and would have to depend on her paycheck. It just seemed a bit mean to me, I think that if anyone but James Stewart had delivered it, or if it had been real life he would have got a slap, probably quite rightly so.


I don't find it all that mean as she gets the truth rather quickly. Kralik wants to feel her out a little bit.

Stripping under the name Malcolm Sex, I pleased the ladies by any means necessary.


I don't think the scene meant to be cruel at all. And actually I do quite like the scene myself.
My feeling is that because Mr. Kralik was not sure how to let Klara know the truth that he WAS "dear friend" and he was not confident in himself because he thought Klara didn't like him at all, he was trying to lower her expectations so she would not be too disappointed knowing the truth. Besides, he also describes this "Mr. Pumpin" in every way opposite to his own status to make sure if she really didn't like a tiny bit of a man like himself.
The best part I like about this scene is Jimmy's expression after every making-up, the expression tells that he was really anxious to know her feeling, to make sure whether she really did not like a tiny bit of a man like himself. And the expression also says "OMG what did I say! Maybe I just over did it." Simply hilarious XDD. Really great performance.


Wasn't the Name "Potnik"?


Yeah, it did seem beneath Stewart's character. And I think the negativity would've made her angry. It seemed to come from a not-so-funny sitcom. So it didn't work for me.


It mostly points out how shallow She is to become disinterested in a Man for His physical imperfections. I think KraliK knew that about Her that's why He did that.


He's no different, he also wanted a pretty girl.

She was willing to accept his unfortunate appearance, it's the lies about his job and the words he professed in the letters that were the turn-off.


It was perhaps a bit mean -- and you're right, with another actor it might have seemed even more mean -- but she had been mean to him for six months -- which she was quite aware of. He was allowed to have a bit of fun at her expense, and she had enough good humor to not hold it against him.


What I thought was cruel and unkind was, her comment to Mr. Kralik about him being an insignificant clerk. He looked a little hurt by that remark, and she didn't apologize for saying it either.


She deserved it , she was a major B to him and didnt apologize

So, a thought crossed your mind? Must have been a long and lonely journey


Part of the point is that they had been both somewhat a-holes to each other, they were imperfect in contrast to the amazing letters. Like everyone, they were both -- having lofty and beautiful thoughts, and all too human.

You've got me?! Who's got you?!


She did say that she was secretly attracted to him from the beginning and also admitted that she was argumentative and snippy because that's what an aunt(?) told her to do to get a man interested in her.
