MovieChat Forums > The Shop Around the Corner (1940) Discussion > Is this movie set during Christmas Holli...

Is this movie set during Christmas Hollidays?

I want to know, is this a movie you watch around Christmas times? (like It's a Wonderful Life)
Or is it just one minor scene without any connection that is set during Christmas?

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It takes place over several weeks, or months, and ends on Christmas Eve. I don't think of it as a Christmas movie.


Oh, I see. Thank you very much, that was the answer I was looking for.

Gentlemen, you can't fight in here! This is the War Room!


It's a great movie for any time of year, but it really is more special during the winter holidays.


Although they even mention the passage of several months in the movie, I've always thought of it as a Christmastime movie. 'It's a Wonderful Life' is a good comparison. And because it's not really a Christmas movie, it's great to view any time of year. I've probably only seen it about four times, but I'm sure I'll watch it next time it comes on.


That's the thing. "It's a Wonderful Life" is considered a Christmas movie while in fact only the last half hour is set on Christmas Eve. The film is in fact about the life of George Bailey and has nothing to do with Christmas anymore than say, "Sleepless in Seattle" or "While You Were Sleeping", or for that matter, "Fools Rush In"

This movie is set in a store that where people go to buy Christmas gifts and there is a lot of discussion on suggestions for Christmas gifts. And the story ends on Christmas Eve (as does precisely "It's a Wonderful Life") and one aspect is the store owner, estanged from his wife, is desperate to find companionship on Christmas Eve.

This movie is more a Christmas Movie than "It's a Wonderful Life" and I would probably like "It's a Wonderful Life" much more if it wasn't rammed down our throats every single year as a holiday film.


this is a great film to watch over the holidays

it's just a message board. Chill


It's a great film to watch ANYTIME! (But I agree wtih you, it is a great chill out over the holidays film)


It's A Wonderful life is a Christmas film IMO. A Christmas movie doesn't have to be centered on Christmas Eve and Christmas day. There are many aspects of the film that a very "Christmasy".

This movie I watch every Christmas, but it's not necessarily a Christmas movie.


This is one of several movies I watch every Christmas Week. In fact I'm watching it right now. I definitely consider it a Christmas movie.

"Are you sure it isn't time for a colorful metaphor?"


It's a great film to watch anytime of the year, but I consider it a holiday movie. It's become a pre-Christmas tradition to watch this in our home.


**Little spoilers here**
The way the owner of the shop turns out like a real good person (although he never was really bad) reminded me of A Christmas Carol -the Scrooge thing and all that. So I feel the movie tries -like the Dickens' story- to emphasize those feelings that are typically exalted during the Holidays.


"I want to know, is this a movie you watch around Christmas times? (like It's a Wonderful Life)
Or is it just one minor scene without any connection that is set during Christmas? "

Interesting point. "Its a wonderful life" only has one section set at christmas. This has no direct connection with the rest of the film.



I definitely think of this as a Christmas movie, yes.

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