mr. matuschek

i just knew he was the actor from wizard of oz when i heard his voice and kept expecting him to say he was the great and powerfull oz. he's got a very booming unmistakeable voice. "nobody gets in. not nobody. not no how!" great movie! i love jimmy stewart especially his way of talking. very unique. even sent my holiday cards with the jimmy stewart stamps.


I realize this is a very old post, but I went on IMDb and looked up Frank Morgan. He was listed in 98 movies! Had 10 brothers and sisters. He was an enjoyable actor and very memorable.

"Believe in the magic of your dreams"


Could you imagine growing up with 10 siblings?! I have two and sometimes they're a pain! ^_^


My son has 8 children (the oldest getting married next week, the youngest born in Nov.). Everyone looks out for each other. Being an actor, Mr. Morgan must have found, was the only way to be himself. What a challenge......especially back in those days.

"Believe in the magic of your dreams"


I can't inagine it, but my father did it. Dad was the youngest of 12! He was (almost) exactly 20 years younger then his eldest sibling — and his eldest nephew was only 3 or 4 months younger than he was.


I have 8 siblings and I love them all. I cannot imagine life without any of them and I am so grateful to have been born into a big family. If anything I wish my mom could've had more!


You can hear it when he's doing that big "ONCE A YEAR" rant.

I'm all right, I'm alllll right!
