Pirovitch and 'honest opinion'

Why is it every time Matuschek asks someone for their "honest opinion," Pirovitch high tails it out of the room? I thought that was a foreshadow but didn't see anything after.


Watch the exchanges between the clerks and Matuschek. Some of it is very subtle. Watch Ilona. He wants their opinion, but hopes that their honest opinion will agree with his. He wants to be right. The clerks have all had a long history and know that if their opinion differs with his, he tries to talk them into it and starts preaching about how long he's been in this business bla bla.

Alfred is the only one not afraid to stand up to him and tell him when he's wrong, which is one reason he will own the store when Matuschek retires. Matuschek secretly values his opinion but can't admit it.

I'm all right, I'm alllll right!


I figured it's because Pirovitch is too cowardly (not in a bad way!) and he doesn't want to be put in a situation where he'll have to lie and agree.
He doesn't like the music box, but if Matuschek asks him to give his honest opinion, he knows he'd be too scared not to say 'i love it!'
So he just avoids the situation! And doesn't want to take the responsibility for his sucking up answer when it doesn't sell well!.
