minute, insignificant details

Scenes I found significantly adorable:

1. The scene where Alfred turns to smile at Matuscheck as if to say "I told you so" in the beginning is so adorable it looks almost sadistic. The first time I watched the movie I had to rewind it to see it again. Hilarious.

2. The scene where Klara is in bed "sick," and she begins to read passages to Alfred, the sound she makes while going from line to line is so cute. I can't even type it out.

3. When Klara and Alfred first meet and she tells Alfred she would like to see Mr. Matuscheck for a job, and she says really quickly, "Then why don't you let me see him?" Her voice is soft and almost childlike.

4. The way Alfred looks at Klara after he realizes she is his pen pal.

I feel creepy even typing this. But I just found those scenes particularly cute.


Not creepy at all! Why???

I love the bit at the end, where it's just dawning on Klara who Alfred is, and she can't quite believe it, and he takes out the carnation (?) and threads it through his button hole without a word.

It's just so sweet and genuine and you feel yourself (and Klara) forgiving him for everything immediately.

...Should I be considering changing my name to Incurable Romantic?


I love that smile in the beginning as well. I also love the look, how he turns his eyes away when he's thinking of answers in that whole Matthais Popkin spiel. It's so cute. And the way he looks at Klara wearing the necklace when he asks her to try it on.

*sigh* Jimmy Stewart was so handsome.


i totally agree!!
two other parts i LOVE, not romantic though, are when

Jimmy Stewart says "I think people who like to smoke candy and listen to cigarettes will love it." after Klara sells the box. Andv after a pause, both he and Matuschek have a look on their face that say "that wasn't right."

AND I love it everytime Matuschek says "Now, what I want is your honest opinion, don't let me influence you. All I want is your honest opinion." And each time he says this Pirovitch rushes away. I laugh everytime!


"And each time he says this Pirovitch rushes away."

Agree and have been seeing a lot of films lately with Bressart Felix in them, and he is becoming a favotite. Maybe a romantic detail, but the waiter's story of the 'bad luck gardenia' was great....

On second thought maybe it being a story makes it larger than a detail. I do wonder if there was a significance to the selection of "Anna Karenina"????

Vesele Vianoce!!!! http://www.iarelative.com/czech/xmas/index.html


Bressart is wonderful in this. It's pretty funny when you don't even need to see his face - you see his feet start to descend the stairs ... and disappear just as fast when he hears "I just want your opinion ...."

Also .... notice Pirovich's response -- his face -- when Kralik tells him about his correspondence with "Dear Friend" at the beginning of the film. It's wonderful; it says he is amused by the concept of corresponding about "cultural subjects" with a woman - that he knows what it's all about even if Kralik doesn't - but still hopes that his friend Kralik will find happiness.


I also love when Pirovich is looking in the window and says, "Kralik, she's dunking!"
