Political Correctness

I was re-watching this film the other day and noticed a line that Matuschek says towards the end of the movie about Kralik and Pirovitch being great doctors and Klara and the other two female employees being wonderful nurses... That line wouldn't go down well today would it? ;)


I had the same thought! It's funny how times change, eh?


Oh, they could easily resolve it by saying: "You are wonderful care-giving persons..."

IT makes your eyes water, doesn't it? ;)


The women have exactly the same status as the errand boy - None of the other males is ever referred to by first name! Nevertheless, this is my all-time favorite film.


"That line wouldn't go down well today would it? ;)"

It would, but would have to be done right and would be funny, to illustrate the ignorance of the speaker....as in a modern 'Nine To Five" type movie for example....

Yet this movie portrayed the plight of women much higher than was probably true. In the stockroom scene "Miss Novak" hints at the trouble in the workplace women, esp unmarried ones, encounter even today. Unsure IRL in 1940 if a female clerk would be able to disagree or 'fight' with the senior male/etc.

Working in a medical clinic which had more female doctors than male at the time, I noted that after a while the words "she" and "her" became used as general terms to describe doctors in other places....

As in...."When I see the doctor at the hospital should I give her this lab report????" when the patient had no idea who the doctor would be....

Vesele Vianoce!!!! http://www.iarelative.com/czech/xmas/index.html
