Scripted from a Play?

Does anyone think that part of this movie's charm is that it is based on a play, and that even on screen it appears like a play? Only three or four sets, small cast of characters, dependent on dialogue more than action? It reminds me of plays by the high school drama department - only with much superior acting. : )


Dialogue this well crafted is a rare beauty in film. Ever seen Anastasia? The 1956 picture, that is, with Ingrid Bergman and Yul Brynner.
I hold it up as "some of the most theatrical dialogue I've ever heard" sometimes. Some really impressive stuff.


Some of the best plays have been taped and put on TV. HBO, years ago, did Camelot with Richard Harris from the Winter Garden (I think) and also did Barefoot In The Park with Richard Thomas, Barbara Barrie and (I believe) the last appearance of Hans Conreid. I taped them both and they are tremendous. One doesn't need so much special effects if the dialogue and characters are well-written.

"Believe in the magic of your dreams"


yes. it was based on the hungarian play "parfumerie" which was obviously based in a perfume shop. that said a lot of films from this era have theatre-like dialogue because many of the script writers came from the theatre and not some $1000 screenplay workshop complete with screenplay computer program.



you're excused...
that wasn't my point. i was just trying to answer a previous post that asked why this film seemed like a play.
and writing a screenplay on a computer is fine, but there are many screenwriting programs out there that "writers" use to aid them in writing their screenplay. so, don't get snooty, i use a computer all the time for my writing...i just don't use any "paint-by-number" programs like "dramatica pro".
talent is's how you use it that counts.


I saw the play "She Loves Me" which I was told was the basis for this film.

"We are all in the gutter; but some of us are looking at the stars."-Oscar Wilde


I saw the play "She Loves Me" which I was told was the basis for this film.
It's the other way around. The Shop Around the Corner was released in 1940 and She Loves Me premiered on Broadway in 1963. They both credit the Hungarian play Parfumerie as their source, but She Loves Me clearly has the 1940 movie in mind as well.

Just because you don't like milk doesn't mean the cow made a mistake.
