
...Bean's man buys every seat in the house with 40 tickets, but come the big night there are dozens more on display. I guess the idea of him bringing a hundred men to the show was thought too implausible.


It was stated by the ticket agent that the theater held several hundred (either 200 or 400, I was unable to access the scene again where he purchases the tickets) people, not 40.


So why was nobody else there on the night? Nope, he bought every ticket in the house!


I'm watching it now, and...
1) Chill Wills ("Southeast") asks how many seats there are. The ticket man says "four hundred". Wills buys "all of 'em".
2) Walter Brennan (Roy Bean) has no intention of bringing anyone else to the show. He says that the men who will accompany him to Fort Davis will do so as an "honor guard", not to attend the show.
3) There is never any mention of there being, nor of Wills buying, "40 tickets". Nor is there any mention of Brennan bringing "a hundred men" with him.
