MovieChat Forums > Penny Serenade (1941) Discussion > I couldn't Stop the Tears From Comming..

I couldn't Stop the Tears From Comming..

This is the saddest classic film that i have seen so far. I think Cary Grant did an Amazing job! And Irene Dunne made me want to cry and # of times and i did get teary eyed a number of times at that. If you want to see Mr. Grant in a different role then i highly recommend this movie. I absolutlely loved it. Once again i can't BELIEVE Cary Grant didn't win an Oscar! It's a shame! Oh well we all know what a great Actor he way!

Rick:Why I'm so lucky. Why I should find you waiting for me to come along.


This is a very sad film. Yet the performances from Irene Dunne, Cary Grant, and Edgar Buchanan are fantastic. The scenes where Grant pleads to the judge, Cary and Irene going through a series of mishaps the first night they adopted the baby, and Buchanan washing the child were three of the most memorable moments in the film.

Though nominated for only two Oscars (neither for a comedy), Grant could have won for either performance in Penny Serenade and None But the Lonely Heart. This is one of his very best.

"Dream as if you'll live forever. Live as if you'll die today."


I couldn't stop them either. During the month of June he was TCM's star of the month and every Tuesday they should some of his films, this was one of them. I am only in my early teens but I am a total Cary Grant fan I have seen about half of his movies and most of them more then once. I always thought that CAry was a romantic comedy type of guy but Penny Serenade is definately one of my favorite movies of his. It really proved that Cary Grant can do ANYTHING! At the beginning Robert Osbourne said that this was a tear jerker and I knew I was doomed because I cry real easy but this was probably the hardest I have ever cried at a movie.


I agree. In fact I sobbed!


I am a much bigger fan of Irene Dinne's, and I believe it is a travesty that she never won an Academy Award - not necessarily for this film, although she is terrific. I think Cary's films with Irene are among his best - whether in a drama such as Penny Serenade or a romp like My Favorite Wife. Here in Penny Serenade the expressions on both of their faces when trying to quietly bring baby Trina home are priceless - as they are in the other "baby" scenes. But as most posters here point out, it was probably Cary's moving speech (entire scene, really) in the hearing before the judge that rightfully earned him an Academy Award nomination.

I could have responded to other posters in this thread, but I chose to respond to you because you brought up None But the Lonely Heart. THAT is the film for which he deserved to win an Oscar. Totally brilliant acting in a totally brilliant film.

John 3:16


I also couldn't stop the tears from coming.
I just finished wastching Penny Serenade with my hubby and we both had a really good cry.
This was a very touching movie, sad and hopeful at the same time.

Cary Grant and Irene Dunne did an amazing job!
When Cary was telling the judge how he felt about little Trina the tears just flowed. His words were very touching.

I really enjoyed this movie and I loved the way she had her record album sequenced to her life and the way they showed us each sequence as she remembered them.

Very touching.



My heart broke when the girl's very emotional, although it's a greatly flawed film it's touching and powerful.

My shadow is the only who walks beside me


I'm trying to watch this but my version doesn't show the letters very clearly, how does she die??


nevermind..i figured it out


If someone doesn't mind, how does the little girl die? I could not read the letter.



It didn't say, something about she got sick and died within 3 weeks, the letter ended, "we'd forgotten about.......". Guess we weren't meant to know, not important.


The letter said something about her getting a high fever.


Was it measles?


You are so right, That is the best scene. I cry too. I saw this movie three times. and always makes me cry. Cary grant is the best. And the little girl is so pretty



One of the great "classic's" and it was recently on the tele. Irene and Cary are really great together...enjoy them in other films also.


This is one of those movies that even the most stony macho man will get a little sappy over. I saw this first when my wife recommended it after we were married - (I'm wating it now - I seem to remember being choked up over it).


I adore this movie. It's like reading a favourite book and I'm not ashamed to shed the tears.

Years ago, my dad commented that the scene where Cary pleads with the judge not to take away their adopted daughter was one of his favourite scenes of Mr. Grant. His Girl Friday topped his list of best Grant performances.

You can lead a horse to water, but a pencil must be lead.


I just watched this gem again last night. It is so touching and yes so very sad. This really is a great team. Last month I watched The Awful Truth and I plan to watch My Favorite Wife in the next few weeks. All with the inimitable pairing of Irene Dunne and Cary Grant. I also just revisited How Green Was My Valley again. Boy, that was another tear jerker. But I must say the movie, besides Penny Serenade that really has me crying that much is Imitation of Life. If you like tear-jerkers you gotta check that out. I have only got to see the Lana Turner, Juanita Moore version, though I would love to see the original. Oh, also last weekend I watched Goodbye Mr. Chips, that was really good and a tear-jerker with Irene Dunne yet again! She is Awesome!! Cary Grant too, is absolutely one of the best!! My He is yar. {Philadelphia Story}.


Where can you find thid movie?!
i want to see it so bad and i cant find it anywhere!


just watched this film with my mum and 'oh boy am i bummed out!

i loved this film throughout, it was comical and hopeful - then she died! i thought that was bad enough... then they pretty much replaced trina, one second they were crying then they were planning how to decorate the room for the 'perfect' child that they wanted in the first place! i know it is just a film, blah blah, blah - but i took it to heart!!! :-(

ur thorts??? (ps i'm still crying)



Actually Irene Dunne wasn't in Goodbye Mr. Chips. perhaps you were thinking of Greer Garson?

Men, if you're willing to fight for our people, I want you!


I thought the earthquake scene was done quite well from a technical aspect but I couldn't understand why Grant and Dunne weren't screaming their lungs out calling to each other... I'm pretty sure if I found myself in the midst of an earthquake where the whole place was coming apart at the seams and the one I loved was somewhere in the midst of it I'd be trying to keep vocal contact with them. Yet these two actors remained nore or less silent through the duration.

Yeah, the movie had its sad parts, but honestly I couldn't figure out CG's character at all. Irene Dunne was OK ~ pretty as a picture though. And I just wanted to reach through the TV screen and shake Edgar Buchanan until he would wake up and look at the people he spoke to.

In my opinion the best person in the movie was Beulah Bondi, whose character added a much needed human touch to the cast. She was outstanding!



at least you show your emotions :) my dad started to well up too when he saw it. this film guarantees 2 things for me- tears and broodiness. i love watching cary grant play with that little girl, he was a natural!

"Hey little girl looking for a sale, test drive this American male!"



Rich, real men cry. This is a moveing beautifully acted movie. Keep requesting it on TCM ask for a restored DVD.......Irene Dunne had an adoped little girl at home that she adored.


I have seen Obsession about 50 times and I always get choked up when Genvieve Bujold is being dragged to a plane screaming ‘Uncle Bob!’ over and over (with Bernard Herman’s dramatic score)…

And at the end of Dark Victory, I turned to my wife and saw she was crying. So I asked why the tears? She said that Bette Davis said goodbye to all her animals before she went to her room and died… she said it was a sad movie. And then I realized that she was right! It was a sad movie! ..and then I got choked up!

But I have yet to cry from a movie. My wife is very expressive, sentimental and wonderful. I am not a macho guy, but I won’t allow myself to cry. Decades of tears I have held back over my life would roar out and I fear that I will break like a tree in a storm and never be able to straighten up again and find the strength to stop crying.

But we loved Penny Serenade. I am glad they didn’t explain how Trina died. All the audience needed to know was that she was special and that in the short time she was on Earth, she brought love and joy to her adoptive parents.

Smoke me a kipper. I’ll be back for breakfast


...and I cried like a baby!

whether you are a man is not in debate. meades you are not a man, and don't know what it means to be one.

And I'm a man !

"Meades Skeleten: An inspriration to inbred morons everywhere"



Just saw this film...thought I'd seen most of Cary Grant's films, but I finally got a hold of this b/c it was just shown on TCM! First, I have to say that Cary Grant and Irene Dunne are super cute together...I felt this was so different from their other two films(The Awful Truth & My Favorite Wife)which are great comedies--but they seem very mature here. I think I had such a strong reaction because I believed in the characters and so I felt what they were feeling. I teared up a couple of times; I don't normally cry when watching films.

Cary Grant's performance was really great. This may be in my top 5 films of his!


I love this Movie. Dunne and Grant were great together I wish they would have made 100 Movies together!
I have it in Color and watch it often. irene Dunne related this movie to her own real life experience of adopting a daughter in 1936. She was a wonderful Actress and a wonderful Woman, adored her husband, daughter and two grandchildren!


I also sobbed throughout the movie. I think I have cried more at this movie than any other. It is such a touching story.


I love this movie but boy is it hard to watch. I wasn't weepy throughout it but towards the end I felt my heart was breaking. I know it's a piece of fiction but it's so easy to relate it to things that happen in life. At one point I thought, why do people make movies like this - to torture us? Somehow I made it through to the end. Some people may not like the ending but I was glad it ended on an upbeat. I couldn't have taken it if they went their separate ways.

Woman, man! That's the way it should be Tarzan. [Tarzan and his mate]
