Did Custer commit mass suicide?

The young Libby Bacon did indeed look almost as beautiful as Olivia DeHavilland does in this movie. Her appearance outshone that of her freckle-faced, somewhat morose-looking husband.

But later photographs, after Custer cut his hair, show Libby as the middle-aged, irretrievably plump person most of us turn into. No longer Olivia DeHavilland but not quite Shirley Stoller.

Question. Did Custer, driven to despair by Libby's deterioration, commit Suicide by Indian?


At the time of the Little Bighorn Battle, Libby would have been thirty-four. Hardly middle-aged by any definition of the term.


I was joking. Photos indicate that she'd put on some weight in the years preceding Custer's death.


If not Shirley Stoller, how about Shelley Winters?


A chaque a son gout, but cripes, what a choice. A TV talk show host once called Shelley Winters "a Mount Everest of jello."


To answer the topic of this post, current information seems to suggest that Custer blundered into this battle, fueled by his own ego and some miscommunication.

Little Bighorn Battlefield is very impressive. I highly recommend it to all.


That's what I recall reading about it, too.

'Two too many':http://www.imdb.com/rg/VIDEO_PLAY/LINK//video/screenplay/vi1055628313/
