First shot of Tootie

How did I never notice this before?

When Tootie (who we later find out imagines her dolls dying of horrible illnesses, insists on singing "I Was Drunk Last Night" at a party, wants to be brave and tough with the big kids on Halloween, and is capable of some pretty intense anger and dangerous actions) is first shown, she is happily, loudly singing . . .

Brighten the Corner Where You Are.

I actually think Tootie is not as shocking as some on these boards seem to think. She's a kid, going through stages, just as kids still do.


She is acting as a typical child would during this time period. It was common for death and illness to be known to kids.
This is before modern medicine and vaccines.

I found the Halloween scenes troublesome when I first saw this but Halloween was different during this time period too. It was later that it was a night kids made trouble and played pranks. But after a large fire and deaths in New York due to such pranks Halloween parties started to keep kids safe.


I know all of that -- I was just commenting on the choice of hymn.

I just think it was an intentional joke, since we soon find out that Tootie doesn't always brighten her corner. She also seems more likely to belt out "Are You Washed in the Blood of the Lamb" or "Go to Dark Gethsamane" or "There is a Fountain Filled With Blood" -- or even "Onward Christian Soldiers."

BTW, it's also a gaffe in the film -- I just looked it up, and "Brighten the Corner Where You Are" wasn't written until about a decade after the year in which the film is set.

That Tootie -- she was ahead of her time!


Maybe she was the author of that song... ; )


Not to mention poisoned candy and apples with razor blades in them that some sickos gave out to trick-or-treaters.


URBAN LEGEND about razor blade apples!
