Joy Barlow

Is, I think, the pretty girl sitting behind Hoagy Carmichael when he sings Hong Kong Blues. She chats with the people at her table and perhaps looks a little possessively at Hoagy, who maybe is looking at her in some shots. There are also looks of disapproval at the girl standing by the piano flicking her hips. You can imagine a whole subplot that was never intended to be shot but might have been discussed - probably not because it's too small a detail for a movie at this time but you never know. I think she is actually in many of the shots but it's only during this song that you really notice her so I assume it was deliberate on Hawk's part.
I waffle on because I was watching THAHN (again) and she catches the eye. There is little detail in IMDb which shows a relatively small career as an extra. Another eye catching role in The Big Sleep as a taxi driver - though I have to be honest and state I didn't make that connection myself. I wonder if she was happy with her film career?
