The old lady

Did anyone else want to slap that old hag up side the head?


i wanted to whack her one! she was so whiny, nasty and thought she was entitled to more than the children.
she tried to take the meat before the children, who takes food out of the mouths of children?


Whoa. Harsh! lol.


Didn't she later go on to play "Granny" on the Beverly Hillbillies?

Oh, wait, sorry... that was somebody else. lol

"I've always tried to teach you two things. First: Never let them see you bleed. Second: Always have an escape plan." — Q


She reminded me of Granny in 'Beverly Hillbillies.' But her voice was a bit like the voice coming from the Bates Mansion telling Norman off.


The film doesn't take sides on her orneriness (much as it shows the flip side of Dever's orneriness when Sam gives him his big catch which mollifies him [the gift outright!] so that he doesn't shotgun Sam when he follows him to the river). The novel "Hold Autumn in Your Hand", goes more deeply into granny's psyche and her son's empathy with her old biddy's angst. Nona is less tolerant and twice fetches mesquite to switch her legs with. But the film skips any of Nona's corporeal punishment activity detailed in the novel. Bulah Bondi is perfection in her unlovely (avec le naturalisme de Zola) non-Tom Joad patriarchal mater-familia role-play. Her fatalistic outlook rings true as an evocation of life among the lowly, a la Grapes of Wrath.


Fantastic reply ahall-3
