Favorite scene?

I noticed on another post that many, many folks said that the scene with Johnny playing "Annie Laurie" on the piano was their favorite scene...but every time I watch this film, I always look forward to the scenes with Francie and Aunt Sissy.

It seemed at times that only Aunt Sissy could actually see the deep pain that Francie was in.

When Aunt Sissy brings in the newspaper clipping for Francie to read to her, it is obvious that Aunt Sissy can see Francie's broken heart.

And my favorite is the graduation when Aunt Sissy takes her to the classroom after a classmate tells Francie not to forget her flowers. Francie is befuddled by the fact that there are flowers for her! But from who? When she reads the card and Aunt Sissy tells her about the arrangement that Johnny made with her to make certain that Francie had flowers to carry during graduation, that touches and breaks my heart. For a brief moment, in the card and flowers, Primadonna has her Papa back with her, and she can hold back her grief no longer.
It almost seems as if Francie has a more serene look on her face for the rest of movie, as though she knows that it is alright to move on now.

I've probably seen this movie at least 20 times, but I am compelled to watch it everytime it is on t.v., like it was this morning. They just don't make movies like this anymore.


This movie is filled with great scenes,but after watching it tonight with my kids on TCM, I have to say I was moved by the scene with Francie and her teacher when she gave her the pie. I was thinking, now that is what a great teacher should be. Besides that scene, my daughter was making fun of me for crying when Sissy presented Francie with the flowers. And of course, the ending can't be beat. Great classic family movie.


My fave is the scene at the library, especially the exchange with the librarian. Of course, I have a fondness for any movie scene that portrays an actual card catalog, so I may be biased.


I get teary eyed just reading everyone's answers. I could never pick a favorite because so many mean so much to me. I do want to mention some not mentioned I like-The scene between the 2 sisters where Sissy reminds Katie why she was lucky & what she loved about Johnny. My favorite line is "The way he would say hello to people, like he was given something away." I also love the scene where the grandmother explains why education is so important. Mostly I guess I do think the best scene is Katie's labor while she's waiting for her sister and mother. The way Francie, who had convinced herself that she didn't care for her mother the same way she did her father, suddenly becomes afraid & then finds the strength to not just comfort her mother but understand her as well.


I think the 'storytelling' scene, with Francie and her teacher... "Even stories shouldn't be just pipe dreams. Pipe dreamers can be very lovable people, but they don't help anybody".

That just says everything that I believe about growing up, and the power of fiction to inspire, when it comes from an honest place.

"Your mother puts license plates in your underwear? How do you sit?!"


I always cry during the scene where Francie gets the graduation flowers.


Don't Make Me Have to Release the Flying Monkeys!


Great posts here by everyone. I don't know how I could choose just one scene . James Dunn was one of the most deserving Oscar winners, ever, and I love his scenes. Everything having to do with Francie and her new school warms my heart. Also, although it's bittersweet (to put it mildly), I get a kick out of Officer McShane when he starts making himself at home at the end.


The tree-throwing scene at Christmas, when Francie and Neeley win their tree, and Johnny helps them carry it up to their apartment, singing. For me, it's just the happiest moment of the movie.


The Christmas tree sequence is precious.

There's one small part of the movie that always makes me crack up. At the beginning, when Sissy has Francie "borrow" Sheila's roller skates, an argument ensues between Aunt Sissy and Sheila's mom. When Officer McShane arrives to clear things up, he asks what happened. All of a sudden, one of the extras (an old lady) kinda zooms into the scene and says,"She tried to stab her!" in what sounds like an Eastern European accent. It's hysterical that that woman exaggerated the event to a near stabbing (especially since nothing remotely of the kind happened)!


Old, old post, but I'm watching this now and one of the best moments for me is when Nealy is complaining and asking why Francie is late, and she presents the pie. It's a crappy little pie. Francie could've eaten the whole thing and he'd be none the wiser, but she saves it so they can share it and he's a typical abrasive little brother, but she looks down at it to show him her "treasure" and they share a quick look before he continues being an annoying little brother. Then he says, "but let's eat the pie" grabs a huge hunk, and rather than taking a bite out of it like one expects, he hands it to Francie before taking his piece. True sibling camaraderie.
