gorgeous dresses!

Wow, those were amazing! When you use an inflation calculator for the show it is clear that they were spending a ton of money on their household so the father must have been raking it in on Wall Street.


Not sure I'd want to wear them in real life all the time. Remember-women wore corsets in those days and multi layers of clothes even in the dead of summer. And not everybody was that rich.

I also suspect Mr Day would've lost his job in 29.


I'm sure Father retired before the '29 crash. Remember, this was the late 1800's or even very early 1900's. Father was, at least, in his forties when the film was set. That would mean he would be close to or even in his seventies in 1929 - hopefully a man of his status and breeding would have retired by then.


New York, 1883.

Age is something that doesn't matter, unless you are a cheese. - Billie Burke


Especially the black one. Yowza!
