PLEASE restore this!

This is one of my (and my husband's) favorite movies. PLEASE!!! We would love to see this get the "Classic Hollywood" restoration treatment. It deserves it.


I couldn't agree with you more! I love this movie. It's so dark and the sound quality is terrible. I wish someone would take good care of it.


I have always loved this movie. I received it for Christmas as part of a boxed set of classics, and was surprised at the poor sound and picture quality. I don't remember it being that bad. I agree, I wish someone (TCM, perhaps?) would restore this wonderfully sweet movie. As usual, William Powell was spectacular.


The DVD is pretty good. It is only missing the sound in one spot (where Clarence Sr & Jr) are talking "about women" in the den.

Otherwise, not too bad.

I think this movie is in the public domain, hence that's why there are many copies out there with lousy quality.


I watched this movie on TCM; the sound was good and it was in color... so that means it was restored, right?

Fire Fighter: Phoebe Buffay?
Phoebe: Fire alarm?!?


I remember enjoying Life With Father many times on television while I was growing up and the beautiful Technicolor was glorious. What happened? How was this classic allowed to fall into public domain flooding the market with the horribly washed-out prints. A mark of disrespect to the Oscar-nominated cinematography and set design.

"All this talk of blood and slaying has put me off my tea."


Amazon is selling a decent DVD of this title. Life With Father - 1947 Color (Digitally Remastered Version). Although it is not what I would consider a "true" restoration of the movie it is still the best available for now. I can't figure out why Warner Brothers hasn't done justice to this classic.


The last few times this was on TCM (last few months or so) it was described as "restored" on the cable guide and it looks miles better than it's looked in years, although the blue in it seems "off." Probably get a legit release eventually.


I thought Stanford University paid for the restoration just recently with funds from the William Powell Endowment Fund.


Actually, it was restored by the Stanford Theatre Foundation (and not the university), as part of a William Powell film festival. The Stanford Theatre is largely funded by one of the sons of the founders of Hewlett-Packard and shows classic movies from the "golden age." It also restores movies.


One of my all time the books, too. Yes, it really should be restored.


The version TCM showed this month (July 2023) is high-definition, with brilliant colors and clear sound. As far as I can ascertain, this quality version is not available on Blu Ray.
