MovieChat Forums > Life with Father (1947) Discussion > Just Saw It Again Yesterday

Just Saw It Again Yesterday

They show it on Father's Day every year. I just love this movie. Irene Dunne is simply stunning. Wonder what the day family would think if they could see Madison Avenue now. How I'd love to live in that beautiful, beautiful house....


In 1883, would that house have been lit by electricity or by gas lamps? I found the sets to me distracting for the year it represented.


1883 was the year in which electric lighting became available in New York. But the Day's house would have been lit by gas, as it's established Mr. Day is against all things electrical.

As far as the sets being distracting, their decor is in keeping with the 1880's. In fact, it's less cluttered than some 1880's interiors would have been.
