No one can replace Kaye

They are remaking this movie with Mike Myers. I don't think anyone will ever be as good as Danny Kaye!


This movie should NOT be remade. NO ONE could replace Danny Kaye. The whole cast was a scream. Like the god-awful remake of "All The Kings Men," this will be a disaster, too.


While I am not big on remakes, they sometimes create new fans of the original. Agree Danny Kaye was one of a kind, even when he gets 'a little too silly' for me....

My Life


The original was a classic, not in need of being remade. Mike Myers is NO Danny Kaye. The movie will be a trainwreck. It would nearly be as bad as trying to remake "The Court Jester."


"The movie will be a trainwreck."

Yet it might appeal to modern tastes....I am a huge fan of this movie, and the entire cast (Including Queenie, of course she was just perfect)....cannot see any cast being "better", just more "familiar" with modern audiences....

Love Viginia Mayo, for more of her and Danny Kaye....check out "A Song Is Born", and....uh oh I'll have to look the title up...."Wonder Man"....."Buster!!!!!" much as I love "Walter Middy", I love "The Court Jester" even more.

My Life


You forgot "The Kid From Brooklyn," lol. Modern audience or not, this new movie will be god-awful. They should NEVER remake classics. "The Court Jester' is THE funniest movie even made. Even modern audiences wind up convulsed with laughter. We went to a screening of it, and we were screaming so loudly right from the beginning, that I thought we were going to be thrown out. No way as EVERYONE was ROARING with laughter.


Anyone who grew up watching the great films of yesteryear will probably not appreciate those same movies being remade today simply because it's mostly about money now and not about improving on what was for the most part, perfection or even about making a bad movie better.

When they did remake movies (back when they were still making interesting films per se) they were for the most part good or better than the original films they were based on. I'd say that was the case up until the mid 2000's, after that it looks like the creative types in Hollywood just ran out of ideas for new and old projects. Usually the result of all this is something nobody wants to see or something mainly those who don't know about the original movie would venture to check out.


Kaye had a fantastic sense of timing and the quirkiness to pull it off visual gags. Doubt his talent could be matched in a remake.

"I'd rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not".


Any time I come across any DVD with his name on it, I pick it up, I know it is going to have me amazed! and in stiches.


Mike Myers will probably remain faithful to the basic plot, but update it with a lot of reproductive organ and bodily function jokes and up the quota of foul language in the dialogue, to appeal to the tastes of modern audiences.


I 100% agree with you on this. Danny Kaye was a comedic genius and there is absolutely know one like him. I mean, I can't think of anyone else that is similar to him today. If only he was still alive... perhaps he wouldn't let the remake happen. Or he'd be open to it and he might actually enjoy it. Whatever, I feel it's a bad idea that this film is going to be remade.


Now they are going to make it with Ben Stiller. It is soooooooooooooo going to suck!


The remake is going to be crap. None of today’s "actors" can even begin to compare with the great Danny Kaye. As usual, it will be yet another poorly-made assembly-line production where quality is sacrificed for maximum financial return.

What a sick industry.


None of today’s "actors" can even begin to compare with the great Danny Kaye.
Agreed, this film was very much a Danny Kaye vehicle. I don't think it will be watchable without him. Mike Myers might have done a good job though.


You mean the annoying two-bit clown with a moronic demeanor going through a pathetic dry run of Inspector Clouseau-styled bumblings or whatever it was he thought he was doing? I´ve probably seen worse comedic actors than this Kaye-boy, but certainly not many. Painful to watch none of his "jokes" work - even ones that had some potential otherwise. Terrible film - so why not remake indeed (although Mike Myers wouldn´t be the best of ideas for replacement, either).

"facts are stupid things" - Ronald Reagan


its ben stiller now


We must face it; Hollywierd has no imagination left, they have flat run out of ideas. If it's not a remake of an old classic "good" movie, then it must be the movie version of a comic book or Blood, gore and slash horror flick. No Thanks, I'll stick to collecting 1930s to 1980's DVDs.


Don't forget the 90's. Some of the best Indie film ever.


I will jump on, NO ONE can replace Danny Kaye. Some movies should not be re-made, this is one of them.


5.5 years later's done. But not with Mike Myers.


The remake have a better rating! Shame!
