'I'm with you!'

Does anyone remember the emaciated chap with the sunken chest and the curly q in the middle of his forehead whose only line (that I can remember at least) was "I'm with you!" while pointing with his index finger in a wave motion?

He would appear on the Sullivan Show from time to time but I never saw him anywhere else with the exception of once on the Johnny Carson Show where Johnny answered the I'm with you line by gesturing back and saying "No, you're not!"

I asked numerous people this question and no one seems to remember him. Did I imagine this?


His name was Stan Ross and that was the extent of his act.


First of all thank you for responding to my question. Secondly, what do you mean that was the extent of the act? How could he make a living with just that? Anyway, he's immortal to me and just for saying "I'm with You!" Amazing.

Thanks again.

