Funny moments

First off, I'd like to say that I really like this film. I especially like Marlene Dietrich and Jean Arthur in it. Could you believe they were both in their forties? Wow! And a romantic comedy set in post-WWII Germany, strikes me as pretty unique. This film is really underrated.

I also like the many gems this film has. Like:

Phoebe putting away her things on the plane, from one pouch into another and another and another...

She delivered a birthday cake to captain Pringle (how did it not spoil?) Which he barters on the black market for a mattress, everyone goes crazy.

Cigarettes, candy bars, etc. used as currency in an exaggerated manner.

Phoebe's "last stand" against Pringle, where she continuously opens file drawers to block him.

Phoebe entering the wrong room, and exiting, screaming. The overreaction is hilarious.

The "newsreel" with "Hitler" and Erika. Pretty much any Hitler impersonation gets me laughing.

Pringle's fake phone conversation with Erika.

There are a lot more funny moments in this film, so I'd like you to share them here.


I agree, this one is very underrated (not even on DVD in North America!) and it's one of my favorites.

Dietrich's arrest at the end of the film always makes me laugh, when the American colonel gets his young officers to take her to some labor camp and she says something like "oh is it still raining?" *hikes up her skirt* "If there are any puddles, you'll carry me, won't you boys?"

The one guy practically falls over, and then he sends like three other officers to keep an eye on things, and they're all waayyy to eager to follow her LOL

So priceless!

"I'm not drunk, I just had a little sip or so and then all those buffaloes ran over me..."


When Jean Arthur is hanging from the pipes (or whatever) in The Lorelai club, and she says to the officer "oo-hoo" is about the cutest thing I've ever seen. Right before she says it, she's yelling, much more loudly, for someone to help her, then she says "oo-hoo" very softly...anyway, I thought it was funny...but that could be because I've fallen in love with Jean Arthur over the past hour-and-a-half.

"How do you feel?"
"Like the Kling-Klang King of the Rim-Ram Room!"


- When the two officers come to Erika's apartment and one of them refers to her as a Von-Nazi ever since Von-1935. He also says: "Miss Von-Shluetow was ordered over a month ago to a Von-labor camp to pick up some Von-bricks." ...Ok Von-sister...We are taking you to the Von-Denazification camp!

- When Pringle speaks with the father and his misbehaved son drawing swastika's all over the place.

- American soldier: What is your name?

Phoebe: Gretchen.

Both American soldiers: Gretchen what?

Phoebe: Gesundheit! Gretchen Gesundheit!

American soldier: How do you like that? We're fraternizing with a sneeze.

“Let's be crooked, but never common”


Johnny driving through utterly destroyed, bombed-out streets, while fragments of "Isn't it Romantic?" play on the soundtrack.


when the baseball ump calls that kid 'out'....he was safe--not even close! 



Indeed there was a surprisingly good deal of amusing, sometimes even hilarious, things in A Foreign Affair; the first Wilder comedy I´ve seen that´s actually rather consistently sharp and funny.

"facts are stupid things" - Ronald Reagan


When Phoebe tells Col. Plummer he should "reline his brakes" believing he is having an affair with Erika. Great use of sexual innuendo.

"I'd rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not".


I liked the film, RowTheBoats, but I wouldn't have watched it had it not been a Billy Wilder film.

I didn't think it was funny at all, and none of the lines you quoted made me even smile, let alone laugh out loud. Cynical, yes. Amusing, no.

One of the reviewers called it a "dark comedy". I reckon I'll buy that.


The sale of the Mickey Mouse watch to the Russian soldier for a mere $700. The Rusky wanted two more watches at that price.

You can always count on Americans to do the right thing after they've tried everything else/Sir Winston Churchill


Phoebe putting away her things on the plane...
Amusing, because just prior to that she says 'One thing at a time.'

