
Hi. I watched some of this film on tv today and i didnt get chance to catch the end. I should wait till i get chance to see it again but can some one give me an idea about the end? I saw up until pheobe thought Captian Pringle was in love with her. I think Erika had just called him.
Any help would be appriciated.

"Good luck crazy bitch"


Millard Mitchell and John Lund have been using Marlene Dietrick as a decoy to catch a Gestapo officer who shows up at the nightclub. Arthur confesses she loves Lund and wants to marry him. Lund backpedals trying to get away from her advances and begins reciting THE MIDNIGHT RIDE OF PAUL REVERE. Mitchell exits the scene with his finger to his nose.

Questions: Is the final clinch between Lund and Arthur a warm-up for the Nobody's Perfect scene in SOME LIKE IT HOT?

Is the finger-to-the nose reminiscent of THE STING?

Very strange to see Lund actually get the girl in a movie.


cheers very much mate. wish i could answer your questions.

"Good luck crazy bitch"


I don't think Captain Pringle was using Erika for anything but sex. I think The Colonel was using both of them and just let Pringle in on it at the end.

I love the part at the end where Erika tries her wiles on Colonel Plummer and he turns her down and them she asks to go back to her apartment to change. She stops part way up the stairs, raises her skirt and gives the Colonel a look, like, "Look what you passed on, buddy" then heads out. Anyone think she really did any time at all in that work camp? LOL


I don't think Captain Pringle was using Erika for anything but sex. I think The Colonel was using both of them and just let Pringle in on it at the end.
I agree. That's what all the servicemen were doing. They knew the German 'girls', including Erika, would put out in order to get a few basic necessities and other luxuries. Pringle either naively believed Erika was innocent of all Nazi ties or he didn't care. In either case, it wasn't right for the Colonel to ignore what Pringle had done. He jeopardized lives and betrayed his own country.

I love the part at the end where Erika tries her wiles on Colonel Plummer and he turns her down and them she asks to go back to her apartment to change. She stops part way up the stairs, raises her skirt and gives the Colonel a look, like, "Look what you passed on, buddy" then heads out. Anyone think she really did any time at all in that work camp? LOL
I did not like the fact the Colonel said he just had a grandchild. It made it seem like he refused her because he's an old man or because he's too much a family man. I would have preferred it to be an all out rejection; no excuses, just no thank you.

Lifting her skirt was for the benefit of the MPs. She knew it would work on them and so did the Colonel. That's why he sent three more guys after them.

Woman, man! That's the way it should be Tarzan. [Tarzan and his mate]


I hope she wasn't sent to a work camp. She was a professional entertainer so why not let her continue doing it?
