MovieChat Forums > The Red Shoes (1948) Discussion > why is the color so strange?

why is the color so strange?

is it because it's three strip? I know about the topic but I still can't find the reason why it looks this way, whereas the one strip color doesn't.


I assume this was the look Michael Powell wanted. It's a story about a ballet about a fairy tale that becomes the fate of the dancer. Hightened colour for a hightened reality?


It's an amazing looking movie. The colors are indeed heightened--richer than real life, one might say "more real than real"--but as you say it's undoubtedly the look they were going for.

I did what was essentially a double-feature of Black Narcissus and The Red Shoes and it's quite obvious that Powell and Pressburger were visual geniuses who were in total control of every element of their films.


It's Technicolor. It's not supposed to look like the real world.


This makes me think of a line from another wonderful P&P movie, "Stairway to Heaven", where Marius Goring (Julian in "Red Shoes"), playing a completely different character, sighs at one point: "Ah, one is starved for Technicolor up there." ("Stairway to Heaven" was my intro to Marius Goring and to P&P, and I just adored Goring in it. When I saw "Red Shoes" for the first time, it took me a while to reconcile myself to the fact that Goring was Julian).
