Ann Richards so miscast

With her anglicized Australian accent and her finishing school demeanor, she's supposed to have grown up in the same poverty stricken milieu as Burt Lancaster. It would be easier to overlook if she weren't so damned actressy.

***You must be old and wrinkled to have that type of reaction. - Liana***


I actually enjoyed the remake with Loni Anderson so much more.

I need Jesus like a starving lion needs a vegetarian platter


Didn't see it, but I did see her in the TV remake of "Leave Her to Heaven," and that wasn't bad either. Loni was great.

***You must be old and wrinkled to have that type of reaction. - Liana***


This is the only film I have seen Ann Richards in....being very young when I saw this for the first time, I did wonder about the accent, but didn't ponder it too much. I thought she was great in this, but I'm easy to fool....

I like her best when she is hiding in the phone booth....

"The Flagon With The Dragon Has The Brew Which Is True"


Anne Richards was very good in the film "Love Letters" starring Jennifer Jones and Joseph Cotten. I thought she had an English accent since that was the "Love Letters" setting. Watch it...


Forget Ann Richards. Nothing made me laugh more than when Stanwyck is parked in lovers lane with Lancaster and says "I could skip my classes tomorrow"

Right... 39 year old Stanwyck can pass for a college student.


39 year olds CAN go to college, you know. It's done all the time. My sister went back to college at 54.



I had never seen An Richards before and didn't know her name. I thought she was very sweet and (certainly) subservient to Stanwyck. And I noticed a bit of an inflection in her voice but didn't take it as Australian. All in all, I liked her.


she was so good in this. The Accent didn't matter to me.
and I too though the scene was great in the subway phone booth.
she certainly held her won with Barbara.


Agreed...she was great but pity she didn't fight harder for her man.

Of course, he caved in to the money and lifestyle.

Everybody got what they deserved.

Ann made the right choice getting married but her attorney husband was a bit vindictive/jealous.


Ann's speech pattern is almost letter perfectly the same as another huge star just getting started when this film came out, non other than Marilyn Monroe.

"When the legend becomes fact, print the legend!"
