I know I'm the only one but

Is anyone thrown by the lack of moustache on Anton Walbrook? I know actors change their look for the sake of a character, but every film I've seen of his, he always has a moustache. I love this film, but had to re watch it, as I was too distracted.


I agree and found the look somewhat insipid, although to have hair on the upper lip in that particular culture and time would unfortunately have made him look ridiculous and obvious, a virtual Snidely Whiplash, but as the movie went on his superb acting and the story took over and erased my misgivings, almost.
Anton's thin moustache seems to offset his furrowed brow, large baggy eyes and long nose, consolidating his face and whole persona to make him a force to be reckoned with just on sight, and to see him without it was on par with seeing Ronald Colman or Clark Gable without theirs.
If I had never seen him before watching this film it wouldn't have been an issue. It's a shame we can't always see the actors in any film for the very first time so as to get the full experience intended by the director.


It was strange to see Anton Walbrook without his moustache. In some scenes he looked effeminate. I don't know if it was meant to portray weakness.


Say the word the word moustache
