The Remake IS Better

Hands down.

Now I'm a film buff (love German existentialism, French New Wave, Hollywood Golden Era, neorealism, everything!)and watch films for their content and aesthetic value so I don't want to be shot down on here as some "kid" who wouldn't know a good movie if it killed them. No. I appreciate the greats but I have to say the original Father of the Bride disappointed me because it was so BORING.

Ignore the fact that Spencer Tracy, Elizabeth Taylor, and Joan Bennet are headlining the movie and look at the content itself. There was just no connection to a lot of the words being said. Tracy's narrating just sounded like he was reading - there was no emotional connection to what he was saying at all. And a lot of people on here keep saying "Oh, it was 1950 movies were different." Yes they were, but emotion was still evident for goodness sake even if it were subtle. Cary Grant, Paul Henreid and Michael Caine prove this - to name a few. I just couldn't sympathize with Spencer Tracy the way I did with Steve Martin in the remake.

Yes, the movie was told in the perspective of the father but it seemed in this film the father was the ONLY character! Everyone else was just there. Joan Bennet was just the mother doing motherly things and Elizabeth Taylor was just the daughter getting married who would lose her calm every now and then. Both were gorgeous, but that was about it. What bothered me the most was the wedding scene when Elizabeth Taylor is just-married standing alongside her groom and before they walk down the aisle together she looks at Spencer Tracy, her father. This moment was supposed to be touching but instead the two literally stared at each other (with NO emotion especially from Tracy's behalf)and then Taylor abruptly walks down the aisle with her groom. This scene was captured beautifully, however, in the remake. You clearly see the subtle emotion between father and daughter. And in the end, I didn't feel as bad for Tracy as I did for Martin when he couldn't find his daughter during the reception.

In the remake EACH character was further developed and it was funnier and overall touching. I easily related to the remake and believe it will stand the test of time unlike its outdated original. It was perhaps only as popular as it was because Elizabeth Taylor was actually marrying "Nicky" in real life. And its only considered as good as it is because of the ensemble cast and die hard Liz Taylor fans. The original however is overrated, 4.5/10. You'd have to pay me to watch it again. The remake is one of my favorite films (which is why I'm disappointed with the original usually originals are best) and I almost always watch it when it's on and deserves a better IMDB rating, I'd give it 8.6/10.


You must be really young, someone who doesn't like black and white and must have a lot of sight gags and slap slick to be entertained. If you prefer Steve Martin to Spencer Tracy, I can't do a thing to help you. The original is so touching, honest and funny. I feel sorry for these people who have no appreciation for film making that doesn't hit you over the head, where you actually have to listen to the dialogue to understand what is going on.


You must be really old, someone who's too stubborn to realize that reinvention is sometimes better than its predecessor. You know the old guy that would to prefer to hold their makeshift foil antenna in their hand and balance in front of their TV instead of purchasing a newer brand and making their lives easier? Yeah, you sound like that stubborn old geazer. You obviously refused to read and understand my message and made it personal which is pointless since this is only a forum. Spencer Tracy was an amazing actor but this wasn't his film. The remake of Father of the Bride was far from a slapstick comedy so you have yet to make your point relevant - again. I love films that date back to the silence era so my AGE has nothing to do with my personal opinion of the 1950 Father of the Bride, I just didn't enjoy it for the reasons stated above. Respect it.

You can educate a fool but you cannot make him think. - That quote's just for you, Lolarites


I also agree with you. The remake is a lot of fun, very contemporary with great performances from the cast, with a really great choice of Martin Short playing such an unusual character! I've seen the original a couple times, including recently in TCM's tribute to Ms. Taylor. It just didn't do much for me.



I agree with you. I just watched the original and I just wasn't as attached to the characters in this one as opposed to the remake. It might be because I grew up with the remake and wasn't aware there was an original until I watched this one a couple of days ago. That doesn't change the fact that I would pick the other one over this one, though.

"I figure life's a gift and I don't intend on wasting it."- Jack Dawson <3


Both good. the remake was a really funny movie, but Steve Martin is no Spencer Tracy.

My movie blog!


Um, are you kidding me? The words didn't mean anything to the actor? Do you know that people were much more sophisticated and intelligent to the English language than anyone today?? Spencer Tracy could have and probably did read Shakespeare. Most actors today can't even be bothered to type out words in text messages. If they seemed fake to you, you have spent far too much time hyphenating everything you say and think in texts.


The OP is a moron. The original is heads and shoulders more sophisticated,
elegant and classy. And Steve Martin - who CANNOT act his way out of a paper
bag - comes nowhere near Tracy. As for Liz Taylor, need anyone say more??? She
was gorgeous, gave a terrific performance and is an icon. Who the hell would even
remember the actress who played "Kay" in the remake???


the fact that imdb viewers gave this version 7.2 out of ten, while 1991 is 6.4 tells you that people seem to enjoy it more. But in reality it's a waste of energy to try to convince anyone that what you think is better. Enjoy the movie and keep learning from them. I enjoyed both versions.


It isn't that simple, and you know it. Opinion only goes so far. You have to
know what you're TALKING about, and taste certainly helps.

If two well-schooled 40 year-olds are debating Chopin with a 15 year-old
who only listens to Beyonce and rap, and the kid says "Chopin is cool, but
Beyonce ROCKS", opinion plays very little part. True morons VOTE (just look
at this year's election).
