Robert Duvall

I would almost bet my next paycheck that I saw a very young, uncredited Robert Duvall in the boyfriend montage early in the film (he's the one with the crew cut). Duvall was born in 1931 and would have been nineteen in the year of release. If it wasn't him, the resemblance is remarkably close.
I did pick out Carleton Carpenter.


Sorry -- lucky you didn't bet that paycheck. It was not Duvall, who was in college in Illinois at the time and didn't go into acting until the mid-to-late 50s in NYC. After some minor stage and TV work he made his film debut, as is well known, as Boo Radley in TO KILL A MOCKINGBIRD in 1962. The rest is a slow ascent to film history. But he wasn't in the profession or in California at all as early as 1950. I don't know who the crew-cut kid was, but he doesn't look like Duvall to me, though you could argue he sort of has a couple of features that vaguely resemble a couple of Duvall's.


The last boy they show looks so much like Johnny Depp, it was actually creepy when I saw him.


Haha, I thought the same thing! At first, I was like, "She dated a radical? How cool..." and then I saw his face and thought, "The radical must be Johnny Depp's dad or something."

That's why you and I don't see eye-to-eye sometimes, Jack; because you're a man of science.
